Matching coupons with store sales (Part 1)...
The first thing to understand is how a sales cycle works. Every product in the store has a "sales cycle". Usually, every 6-8 weeks or so, the product will go on sale at it's lowest price. Every product is different and the key is to know when the item you want is at its best price.
The best way to know when an item is at its lowest price is to use a grocery price book. The idea is to make a list of items that you regularly buy. Each week, go to your grocery store and write down the price of that item. You should do this for approximately 12 weeks and by the end of that time, you will have a real good idea of when your products are the cheapest.
Money Saving Mom has some great forms you can download and use to do this. Check them out!
I think this is a great idea, but I have to say that I haven't done this step personally. I have been able to figure out the best prices for most products. There are some things, however, that I should do this for since I not sure yet when I am getting the best deal...i.e. toilet paper, paper towels, detergent.
Here is an example of what I mean....
Fiber One Cereal
Week 1 - $3.89
Week 2 - $3.75
Week 3 - $3.25
Week 4 - $2.99
Week 5 - $2.50
If you were to buy 1 box of cereal every week for 5 weeks, you would pay $16.38.
If you wait until week 5 and buy 5 boxes of cereal, you would pay $12.50.
Now let's say you use 3 - $1 off 1 coupons and 2 - $.75 off 1 coupons.....Final price = $8
That's a 50% savings!
Tomorrow we'll talk about knowing your store's policies. It gets even better! :)
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