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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where to Find Coupons - What coupons should I clip?

Before I get into where to find coupons, I think it is very important to talk about what coupons you should actually clip.  When you see all the places there are to find coupons, you need to have a correct mindset of what coupons you want to clip.

The main question you should ask yourself when clipping coupons is....
If I could get this item free with this coupon, would I?
This may be a different way of looking at coupon clipping.  You are probably used to only clipping coupons for the items you usually buy.  That would have been my thinking, too.  But, if you could get that item free, your mindset changes.  There are many products I would switch to for a while if I could get it free!  If it's free, that product becomes my favorite!  :)

Something else to consider is, even if you wouldn't want the product for yourself, someone will!  One awesome aspect of couponing is being able to donate items that I get for free or extremely cheap.  You can donate so many items to a local mission or even have the opportunity to help a friend in need!  As I've said before, we don't have a whole lot of money to work with right now, so giving to others financially is difficult, but couponing has opened many opportunities for me to help others out with very little out of pocket expense.

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