- The CIC has posted a statement about these sites in their FAQ section on their site.
- Individuals selling or auctioning coupons often know that such sales and auctions are in violation of the terms and conditions of the coupons. As such, they may include an invalid disclaimer, such as, "I'm selling my time to clip the coupons, not the coupons themselves. Such disclaimers are invalid and do not provide any legal protection to either party. Such obviously invalid disclaimers merely serve to prove that the seller/auctioneer knows that their illicit coupon sales are inappropriate, wrong, and subject to civil and/or criminal penalties, depending on the situation.
- Over time, I have come to the personal conclusion that it isn't ethical to purchase from these sites. This is a personal conclusion and you need to come to your own.
- When you purchase coupons from these sites, realize that you are purchasing at your own risk.
Here is my previous post on this topic...
Have you ever heard of coupon clipping sites? These are websites where you can buy coupons online and have them mailed to you. You pay a certain fee per coupon. Some sites will even sell the entire coupon insert from that week. These coupons are the same paper coupons found in the newspaper.
Does that sound strange? I know you are probably thinking, why would I pay money for a coupon I want to turn around and use to save me money? There are 2 reasons I have found these sites to be extremely helpful and beneficial.
- Buy extra of the coupons you regularly use.
- This is especially helpful for perishable items such as sour cream, soy milk, cheese, etc...
- Buy extra of a high value coupon that just came out.
- A number of months ago, a high value coupons for Pampers Wipes came out....$2.00 off 1 small tub of wipes. If you are a mom that regularly buy wipes, you are thinking, "That is a great coupon!" Walmart has the small tub of Pampers wipes for $1.97 each regular price. WOW.....FREE WIPES!!!! Very cool! I got on one of these coupon printing sites and bought up a bunch of coupons. I went to Walmart with 12 coupons and walked away with 12 FREE tubs of wipes. Now, I paid about $.15 for each coupon, but still.....what a deal!
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