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Monday, May 30, 2011

Store Coupon Policies - Walmart

B.C. (before couponing) I used to do a lot of my grocery shopping at Walmart.  They always had the best prices.  Since I started couponing, I don't shop there much because they don't have regular sale ads so I know what's on sale, they don't double coupons and they don't have Walmart coupons to stack with.

You can get some great deals at Walmart with coupons, it is just hard to prepare ahead of time for a couponing trip.  You just need to bring your coupons and see what the deals are.

Walmart has changed their coupon policy recently and become more coupon friendly.  Here is a quick summary of their policy.

  • They accept Manufacturer coupons (paper coupons)
  • They accept all Print-at-home internet coupons unless it is for a free item that doesn't require a purchase.
  • They accept competitor's store coupons that feature a specific item for a specified price.  This would not include money off, percentage off, or B1G1 free (i.e. CVS ECB's)
  • They accept checkout coupons from any competitors' registers as long as it says "Manufacturer Coupon".
I especially like the last two!  :)

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