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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reader Stories - Why I Coupon!

I've been thinking for a while that it would be fun to read stories from all of you on what started you on couponing and why?  Have you been forced into it due to income restraints?  Do you want to be a stay at home mom?  Are you retiring?  Are you trying to save for something special?

I would love to hear from you!  If you don't mind sharing, please e-mail me at with your story and I'll share it on this blog.  If you don't want your name shared, that's fine too, just let me know in your e-mail.  If you want to include pictures, please do!  I really think this would be fun to hear your stories and it would help motivate all of us to continue saving!

Here's my story.....

I've mentioned this before, but I am a stay-at-home and my husband is a teacher.  When we started our family, we made the decision for me to stay home with them.  I absolutely love doing this!  As you know, this means less income and that was a big adjustment for us.  We accumulated some debt our first year doing this.  Since then, we've learned to cut costs in various ways, but it wasn't until March of 2010 that I began to jump into the world of couponing.

I always thought coupons were not worth the effort.  I should just buy generic most of the time and I would save the same amount of money, or more.  Little did I know what I was missing!  Since March 2010, I've learned so much about couponing and we've cut our grocery expenses by at least 55%!  It has made a HUGE difference in our monthly budget.

Even if our income increases, I can't imagine shopping without coupons every again.  Now that I know what I can save, it seems like I would be throwing money away to pay regular price on any item!  I am a LIFER! (is that a word?)  :)

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