Are you excited yet about the money saving possibilities of using coupons? I hope so! I am telling you, this process works! I am living proof of that.
As a stay-at-home-mom, our money is very tight! Our grocery budget was the area in our budget that desperately needed help, but I didn't feel like we could do much better than what we were doing. Boy was I wrong! When I learned how to effectively use coupons, my husband and I decided to go for it! We jumped in and did every step I have shared with you and have dramatically cut our budget.
Here is a quick summary of the 3 main steps to making coupons work for you....
- Matching coupons with store sales
- Wait for the time when the item is at its cheapest before you use the coupon to buy it.
- Know the policies of your local stores
- Does your store offer store coupons that you can stack with manufacturer coupons?
- Do they double coupons?
- Stockpile...stockpile...stockpile
- Stock up enough product to last you until the next sale,
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about this. Seriously, I would love you help you out however I can.
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