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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cutting Costs: Beyond Coupons - Don't be in a hurry

For any of us, this fact is so true, but definitely if you have little kids.  Sometimes my kids do great in the grocery store, but if I am trying to squeeze some shopping in at the wrong time, it is so not worth it!  If I am rushed or my kids are being difficult in the store, all I want to do is get out of there.  I catch myself saying, "Oh who cares?  I'm only spending $.50 or $1 more."  This is not a big deal if it rarely happens, but if I put myself in the situation often, this amount can add up quickly.

I would strongly suggest only shopping when you are not rushed and your kids are in a great mood!  If I don't have a lot to purchase, I can usually make this work.  However, if I have a lot to shop for, my wonderful husband keeps the kids and I go alone.  These are the best trips ever!  I am so relaxed, not rushed, and not distracted.

Can you relate?

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