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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Coupons: Are they really worth the effort?---10 Couponing Myths and the Truths Behind Them!

Forget the Reasons

  • Can I really save lots of money using coupons?
  • Will the money I save be worth the time and effort put into cutting/organizing coupons?
  • Can I really make couponing work for my family’s needs?

Okay…it’s about time I do a post on this topic.  It seems to me there are so many opinions out there on whether coupons really work or if the money you save is even worth the effort.

Obviously, since I have a frugal/couponing blog, I am 100% for the practice of couponing.  However, I also strongly believe that couponing vs. money saved looks different for everyone.   I will not guarantee you that you will save a certain percentage off your grocery bill because that varies by family and how you personally use your coupons.

The money you save is completely up to you!

The Critics

If you google for “why not to use coupons”, you’ll find many articles explaining why couponing is not worth it.

I really don’t want to be critical of those that wrote these articles.  I strongly believe that if they truly understood how to use coupons correctly, they would feel differently.

The truth is that they are right in many ways.  A lot of the issues they bring up are true with many couponers.

However, that is why my slogan “Making Coupons Work For You” is so important!  Many of the reasons they cite for why coupons aren’t worth the effort have nothing to do with the actual coupons, the issue is with the practices of those who use the coupons.

If you are really serious about saving money on your grocery budget, you need to be smart and think about each and every deal you purchase.  It is poor decision making to use a coupon simply because you have one to use.  Coupons are a tool you can use to save a lot of money!  Simply put, if you don’t save money with it, don’t use it!

Reasons to Not Use Coupons and the Truth Behind Them!

1 – Don’t clip coupons, just buy generic…same savings!

The Truth:

This can definitely be true at times!  Are you shocked that I said that?  Sometimes this is the case.  It all depends on what the product is, whether or not you need that product right then, what coupons you have, etc…

  • 90% of the time, you can save a whole lot more money on name brand products with coupons than simply buying generic.
  • Have you ever purchased a generic product for FREE?  You can with coupons.
  • REMEMBER, don’t use coupons just because you have them.  If they don’t save you money, don’t use them!

TIP:  Wait for a good sale to match your coupons with to receive the ultimate savings.

2 – You have to buy more to save.

The Truth:

It’s true that many coupons are $1 off 2 of a specific product or $1.50 off 3 and so on.  Don’t get frustrated with this type of coupon just because you have to buy 2 to use the coupon.

  • Is the product something you will use?  (i.e. cereal, bread, deodorant, toilet paper)
  • Do the math to decide what final price you are paying per item.
  • Many times you can purchase 2 or more items for the price you would regularly pay for 1!  Sounds great to me.
  • If you aren’t sure if you’ll like a product, maybe you shouldn’t buy 2 even if the savings is good.  It’s a waste of money if you won’t use the items.
  • If you are trying to lose weight, you probably shouldn’t buy 2!  Smile (totally talking to myself here…LOL!)

TIP:  Take advantage of buying more than one product of items you know you will use and the per product price/savings is well worth it!   This is called Stockpiling.  When you regularly do this, you will never pay full price again!  Sounds like great savings to me!

4 – Most grocery coupons are for unhealthy products

The Truth:

If you know where to look for coupons, you can find tons of coupons for healthy foods.  Depending on what you are looking for, you might find a lot or not quite as much.

  • While it’s true, some product coupons aren’t as common/easy to find as others, is that really a reason to not coupon?
  • Check out manufacturer websites and facebook pages for some great coupons!  You’ll be surprised what you will find.
  • Contact the manufacturer and request coupons.

TIP:  This is why I say don’t compare your savings to the savings of others.  Your family’s needs are different, but don’t let this stop you from saving something!

Check out these websites to find coupons for healthy foods…

5 – You have to pay for a newspaper to get coupons

The Truth:

I more than make up for the cost of a newspaper subscription by couponing.  Is this really a reason not to coupon?  I spend $18.50 a month for 2 Thursday/Sunday subscriptions.  Would you pay $18.50 to save a minimum of $250?  It’s a no-brainer!

  • You can get a lot of great coupons in the Sunday paper.  It’s one of the best ways to get coupons.
  • It’s smart to have at least 2 copies of each coupon to help you get more great deals.
  • There are many ways to get inserts for free as well.  As friends/family, stop by McDonalds on a Sunday to see if others have left their paper behind with the coupons still in them. (ask at the register if it’s okay for you to take them)

TIP:  Get one or two Sunday papers and clip every coupon where you would say, “I would get this item if I could get it FREE with this coupon.”  You will clip a lot of coupons and you will start seeing some great savings!

6 – Sales trick…buy this product and get hooked so you buy it without a coupon

The Truth:

Do I really have to say it?  Seems pretty obvious to me….that’s your fault!  Is this seriously a reason to not coupon?  I might get hooked and forced into buying a product at regular price….really? Annoyed  I think I’m smarter than that.

  • Since I have started saving a ton of money on products, I can’t stand to pay full price for anything!
  • If I ever get to the point where I need to buy a product at full price, I get as cheap as possible regardless of whether I like the product or not.
  • If you stockpile items when they are dirt cheap due to a sale and coupon, this will rarely happen.
  • When you start saving money, your entire plan for grocery shopping will change.  You won’t buy products unless you can get a good deal!
  • My kids have learned that if there is an item they really want, they will only get it when mommy finds a good deal with coupons.  Smile

TIP:  Stockpiling is key to never paying full price again.  Buy your products when they are on sale and you can match up a coupon for a great deal. 

7 – It’s not worth the time investment….it’s a full time job

The Truth:

It’s not as bad as everyone makes it sound.  2-4 hours for $100 of savings per week…I think I can handle that.

  • When you first start out, it will take you a little longer simply because you are getting organized and still learning.  It will get easier.
  • The amount of time you put into couponing, you will get the same amount of savings.  There are weeks where I don’t see great savings because I don’t take the time to look for deals.
  • Don’t let this stop you from learning how to save the most money.  When you have a week where you do have more time, you will be able to get some great deals.

TIP:  Please don’t let the hype out there the couponing will take over your life stop you from saving the money you do have time to save!

8 – You have to stockpile a lot of stuff

The Truth:

Yes, I do teach the practice of stockpiling, but that doesn’t mean turning your home into a grocery warehouse.  Think about it, only buying items at a great price and buying enough to last you until another great deal is really a great idea!

  • Can you save money with coupons without stockpiling?….YES  Are you saving as much as you can if you were stockpiling?….NO
  • If you don’t stockpile, you will end up paying regular price for items you need.  Stockpiling is a tool to keep you from doing just that.
  • Your weekly shopping will become shopping for deals to continue your stockpile instead of what you actually need.
  • Find storage wherever you can to implement this.

TIP:  Stockpile items that you regularly use and you will never have to pay full price again!  It’s a no-brainer!  Get enough of the product you use to last you roughly 3 months until you can get a great deal again.

9 – You are a slave to coupons…it’s an addiction

The Truth:

Do coupons make people a slave or do people make themselves a slave?  Please, don’t ignore the savings you can achieve through coupons simply because of the fear you have of getting addicted.

  • “Making Coupons Work For You” is so important.  Savings will look different for everyone.
  • Don’t put pressure on yourself to reach the same savings as someone else.  Use coupons to save the most that you can for your family and be happy with it!
  • Realize that you won’t get every deal out there!  Don’t try!
  • Create a grocery budget to keep you on track each week.

TIP:  Decide what deals you are getting for the week and leave it at that.  You don’t have to get everything!  Make coupons work for you, not the other way around!

10 – You spend hours at the store

The Truth:

So not true!  I always plan my shopping trip ahead of time and have my coupons and list ready to go.  When I go to the store, I usually spend the same time as anyone else who is there without coupons.

  • Again, it isn’t the coupons making you spend more time at the store, you are!
  • Go to the store with a plan on what deals you are going to get and don’t deviate from it!
  • I always have a list of what I’m going to get with my coupons already pulled.
  • Let’s just say that my kids wouldn’t handle the shopping well if I didn’t have anything planned ahead of time.

TIP:  Simply be organized.  With all the frugal blogs out there, you can easily plan ahead what deals you are going to get.  You don’t have to do it at the store.

Some more couponing reality…

  • Are there times when I go to the store without coupons?
    • YES Surprised smile
  • Do I sometimes walk away from the store only saving 10% or less?
    • YES Don't tell anyone smile
  • Do I think people are terrible for not using coupons?
    • NO  Open-mouthed smile

All I ask is this…..don’t decide to not use coupons based on these false statements.  Don’t miss out on great savings for your family simply because you believe these very things.  Your savings is up to you!

Okay…I’m getting off my soapbox now.  Smile


  1. Thank you so much for all this information, I find it very helpful..

  2. I am one of those people that rarely use coupons. Every now and then I will use one of them that I get from the store I usually shop at and it's for something I already buy anyways (ex: almond milk). I can get most of my shopping through my own virtual store online that PAYS ME for shopping there. Because it's my own business and I have many people that buy products I have online, my products end up being FREE---yahoo! It may not be for everyone, but it sure works for me!

    1. That's great that you can have your own business! I'm sure that is a huge help!

  3. I love couponing, but i don't go overboard and a lot of times the natural products i use are sadly not couponable. Great tips!

    1. I'll agree that there aren't as many coupons available for natural products, but I am finding more and more. Be sure to check out their manufacturer website and even e-mail them to request some.

      Couponing definitely looks different for everyone. It really depends on what your family's needs are.

  4. Great tips! I do have to say that I usually clip out some coupons, and then I never get around to using them because they expire before I can match them to a sale or I just forget about them.
